Sunday, January 13, 2008

Poetry Reading

As expected,
The only one who has turned out
At the poetry reading,
Is a dilettante poet,
Who presumes he can galvanize
Well bred hearts
With affected words,

There is no one for audience though
In this supposed social potpourri,
- For culturally ignited minds,
Than just the pantry
Clearing up the remains,
Of forgotten biscuits and cakes
Vestiges of another cultural exchange,

Where are they the poets?
Suppose their wives had reminded them
That there was much house work to be got done,
Better things to do with ones breath
Than waste it reading idle thoughts,

Where is the audience?
Those determined few,
Suppose their friends had reminded them
To make better use of their time,
Study stocks, invest and make returns
Than waste it over bankrupt thoughts,

And all of this was for such good reason
That even the Gods saw no injustice here,
And had the dilettante poet come alone
- A lesson for his presumption.


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